How To Become Successful on FeetFinder

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Whether you are a new FeetFinder seller or an older one, becoming successful in the feet-selling industry is something I know you want to understand. So, you may be looking for information on how to become successful on FeetFinder.

Well, worry not because we’ve got you. In this article, we give you some of the most essential tips and tricks you need in order to become successful on FeetFinder. The first step to becoming successful is obviously identifying the best platform to use.

Seeing that you’ve identified FeetFinder as the platform of choice, let’s get right into how to become successful there.

How to make money on FeetFinder?

Becoming successful on FeetFinder means being able to make money on FeetFinder. Before getting into the details of how to become successful on FeetFinder, you need to understand how making money on FeetFinder works.

There are several ways in which FeetFinder sellers make their money. These include:

Selling Feet Content

The main money-making activity on FeetFinder is the selling of feet pictures and content. This you most probably already know. As a seller, you upload your content onto the platform which then attracts buyers who purchase your content.

FeetFinder Referral Program.

As a FeetFinder seller, you automatically get a referral code. The FeetFinder referral program basically involves sellers referring other people to join FeetFinder as sellers. The referees then use the referral code to sign up.

As the referrer, you earn 10% of what your referees make on FeetFinder. Sounds like easy money if you ask me. It is important to note that this only applies to brand-new users not returning users.

Having monthly subscribers.

Monthly subscribers pay a monthly subscription fee to be able to have access to your feet content. This means that they get to see everything you have on your account.

Tips on how to become successful on FeetFinder.

Now that you understand how to make money on FeetFinder, here are some tips and tricks on how you can become successful on the platform.

Upload High-Quality Content

Buyers want to purchase feet content that is visually appealing to them. So never forget that in this feet-selling world, that’s the main and most important selling point. Invest in good quality equipment to help you achieve this.

Think of all the things that make a picture appealing to the eye. From good lighting to high resolution to the angles, to proper framing. Leave no stone unturned. This will pique your buyer’s attention and get you closer to making good money on FeetFinder.

How to Create High-Quality Feet Content.

  • Good Grooming

Grooming and appearance are some of the most important and sometimes even easiest ways for you to gain credibility. I mean, let’s be honest, we all love well-groomed individuals and things.

Remember that appearance is not only the first thing buyers notice but also what drives them to make their decision on whether to purchase your content or not. Ensure you are creating a good impression. Here’s how;

  1. Apply toenail polish. Choose polish colors that compliment your skin tone and make your toes pop.
  2. Trim or smooth out your calluses, corns, and rough skin. You can use a pumice stone or a foot file at least once a week.
  3. Clip your toenails properly. Ensure you trim them in a straight line then file them to smoothen your edges.
  4. Moisturize your feet. You don’t want your feet looking ashy. This will put off potential buyers. Moisturize your feet once or twice a day using cream or lotion.
  5. Remove stains from your toenails.
  6. Use good lighting.

Lighting plays a very important role in the creation of high-quality foot content just like any other type of content. The kind of lighting used determines the brightness of the image, the darkness, the mood, the tone and not forgetting the atmosphere.

All these are aspects that collectively determine the success and quality of the videos and pictures taken. We would recommend that you use natural lighting when creating your content. It can be direct or indirect light.

You can consider having your setup near the source of light be it a window, door or any other opening. Position yourself in such a way that you have control of the shadows cast to get the desired effects on your final products.

In the event you do not have access to good natural lighting, you can consider using artificial lighting. However, this must be of very high quality and as close to natural lighting as possible in terms of brightness.

Mastering how to manipulate light to work to your advantage is also an important skill you need to learn. Manipulate light to fall on areas of interest to create the desired effects and focus on those areas. This kind of mastery will separate your work and put you on the road to achieving professional-looking content.

  • Use Props and Accessories.

Accessorizing your feet when creating content adds visual interest to your photos. Some of the accessories we would recommend are anklets, toe rings, flowers, and the right shoes e.g. heels. Statistics show that feet content creators who accessorize and use props receive more offers and purchases compared to those who don’t.

When picking out accessories and props, keep in mind the shape, colors, and sizes of these items. Be intentional about choosing items that compliment your feet rather than take away from their beauty. 

We would also recommend that you try to incorporate natural aesthetics into your feet pictures. You can achieve this by using flowers, dipping your toes in a pool of water with floating petals or even posing on a bed of moss. Get as creative as possible to stand out.

  • Choose appealing backgrounds.

Your choice of background can make or break the quality of your content. Choose backgrounds that allow your feet to stand out. Avoid busy backgrounds to avoid creating distractions in your pictures and videos. Additionally, use clean backgrounds.

The most important thing you need to know before choosing a background is the mood or vibe you want to achieve. For example, if you want to achieve a cozy vibe, you can soft blankets as your background.

If you want to achieve a cool nature vibe, you can use water and flowers as your background or as part of your props for the shoot. Remember, standing out will help you attract buyers to buy your foot content.

  • Experiment with different angles and perspectives.

On FeetFinder, creators can post both pictures and videos of their feet. Experimenting with different angles and perspectives will help you create a wide variety of content. I mean who doesn’t want variety to choose from?

There are many different camera angles you can explore when capturing your images.  Some of these include;

  1. Close-up. Close-ups are achieved by zooming in and this helps you capture details like your toes. This creates unique and engaging content.
  2. Bird’s Eye View. You can achieve this by capturing the images from above. This creates focus on the top of your feet and toes.
  3. Side View. This involves taking photos from the side. Here, you get to capture the shape and length of your feet.
  4. Bottom-Up View. Capture your images from a lower angle. This puts emphasis on your curves and contours.
  5. Explore creative and unique poses.

Nobody wants to interact with basic or what some may call boring content. When you pose, you assume or hold physical positions to achieve creativity. Different poses tell different stories.

Communicating certain emotions or feelings through poses creates engagement and pulls your audience. Some of the poses you can consider exploring include;

  1. Crossed ankles. Cross one foot over the other showing off the side of your feet with a unique twist.
  2. Heel Pop. Slightly lift your heel off the ground and create emphasis on the arch and shape of your foot.
  3. Toe Point. Extend and flex your toes creating an elegant silhouette that highlights the contour of your feet
  4. Foot Arch. Stand or sit with one foot resting on its side showing off the natural curve of your foot’s arch.

Statistics also show that buyers are more drawn to feet images where poses have been utilized.

  • Use good quality equipment.

Even after incorporating all these tips on selling feet, your choice of equipment determines the kind of quality you achieve in your content. The tips, skills, and choice of equipment go hand-in-hand.

Just like any other purchases people make, the quality and appearance of the posts highly influence the buyer’s decision on whether to make a purchase. So, strive to capture the buyers’ attention. So, regardless of what equipment you use, ensure you get high-resolution images.

  • Capitalize on Your Profile Description

Your profile description is another secret weapon. Make it descriptive, crisp but yet appealing. Think about your choice of words. Incorporate words that a buyer would most likely think of when doing their searches. The goal here is to make your content easy to find.

 Remember, buyers can purchase what they don’t know is there. So, make it easy for them to find your content.

  • Communicate With Your Buyers

The other thing you need to do to be successful on FeetFinder is to make a conscious effort to communicate with your buyers. Log into your account every so often (at least once a day) and make an attempt to build relationships with your buyers.

Give your content that human touch and see that build trust between you and your buyers. This solves your queries on how to get buyers on FeetFinder.

  • Price Your Feet Content Reasonably.

When posting your feet content, you will obviously need to price it. Do your research then based on your findings, set competitive but fair prices for your content. Strive to find the perfect balance between getting value for your content and being fair and competitive.

When starting out as a feet content creator, it is important to know what considerations you need to make when setting prices for your feet content. At the very beginning, we would advise that you set relatively lower prices.

Before gaining popularity, it is safe to use these discounted prices because as we all know, everyone loves a good deal. However, always keep in mind that this is a strategy. As buyers start showing their interest in your content, gradually increase your prices.

Doing this will help you avoid demotivation. The reviews you get from your very first customers will help you attract new buyers and help you build a brand and community. With that growth will come better prices.

But even when setting relatively lower prices, ensure you price different qualities of content at different prices. Each is dependent on the level of quality. Do your research on the average market prices before you start pricing your content.

For example, on FeetFinder which is the feet-selling platform we would recommend for you, the prices of feet range from $5 to $100. You can use such statistics to know where to work and know where on the price range your prices fall.

When you start making money on FeetFinder, you will understand better how to price and use that to your advantage to help you become successful on FeetFinder.

  • Be Consistent.

Another invaluable trick is staying consistent. Your buyers find reassurance in reliability. Always knowing that you are active and that you are available to respond to their photo requests. Please note that consistency applies to both your activity and the quality of the content you put out.

  • Practice!

Practice creates mastery. Through practice, you’ll learn a lot about your content and how to gradually make it better. Practice creates mastery. So, with time, you will find that the better your content and presence get on FeetFinder, the more reaches you get.

Learn how to Promote Your Content.

The other very important tip on how to become successful on FeetFinder is learning how to market and promote your content. The goal here is to get more visible and consequently generate more traffic and profit.

You need to know where and how to promote your content. Making good content is not enough. Making it known to other people and more so potential buyers is what increases your chances of getting purchases.

Here are some of the tips and tricks that will help you successfully promote your content.

  • Choose a niche.

Feet buyers like all other people with different fetishes have different preferences. This means that no content is a “one-fits-all” kind of content. It is therefore important to pick a specific audience to cater to.

If you put yourself in a position where you are trying to please everyone, this may confuse both you and your potential buyers. Niching down makes your content more sought after. It also helps you become an expert in that niche as you focus on it.

This then enables you to build a community with your target audience. Declaring a specific niche will create clarity around what you provide as a creator hence pulling buyers because no one is overwhelmed trying to choose through your content to satisfy their needs.

  • Customize your FeetFinder profile.

Customize your profile to make it attractive. This is an important part of marketing. Buyers should be able to tell from just looking at your profile what kind of a creator you are. The choice of profile picture, profile description, and bio state should be representative of your brand. Build a brand that people want to be associated with and that your target audience resonates with.

  • Get positive reviews.

Most feet-finder success stories are founded on this. Most new buyers rely on feedback given by old buyers to help them decide whether your content is worth giving a shot. As a new creator, focus on providing the best experience for your buyers as this will earn you positive reviews. Positive reviews help you attract and reach more people.

They also create a certain level of trust and confidence in your content. A buyer is more likely to proceed to buy your content if they see that other people had good things to say about it. Negative reviews will for sure chase potential buyers away.

  • Create dedicated social media accounts for promoting your feet’ content.

Another way in which you can promote your content is by creating separate accounts on popular social media platforms which would be solely dedicated to promoting your feet content. Talk about feet content on there and redirect the traffic to your FeetFinder account.

This will help you maintain professionalism while keeping posts on their separate form of business-related content. The same rules apply for these accounts, use catchy profile pictures, and make your account appealing to buyers.

  • Share links to your profile.

Another way you can market yourself as a feet content creator is by telling other people about what you do and by sharing your account with them. This may help you reach new audiences and grow traction to your account.

This is the best way how to get followers on Feetfinder. If you are comfortable with them knowing, tell your friends and family and share with them links to your profile so they can share them with other people.


How to start on Feetfinder.

The first and most important thing is, you need to know is that you must be over the age of 18 to be eligible to sign up. A valid ID card will be required for verification during the signing-up process. This is done to minimize the chances of scammers getting on to the platform.

You will always be required to provide some personal information such as your name, birthplace, address, phone number, etc. FeetFinder is a secure site so your personal information shall remain protected and discreet.

How to post on feetfinder.

For you to start making money on feet-finder, you need to first create a feet-finder account. From there, all you need to do is create your feet content and upload it onto the platform.

How does the feet-finder work?

FeetFinder is one of the leading online feet-selling platforms in the world today. It is a website where people sell and buy foot content.

To become a part of the FeetFinder online community either as a buyer or a seller, you visit which is the official website, and sign up.

Does Fetfinder have privacy?

FeetFinder allows for privacy for its users. This means that FeetFinder users are allowed to maintain their anonymity, so they do not have to share their personal information unless they choose to do so.

We would also want you to know that much as FeetFinder does ask for your personal information when signing up, this information remains confidential and is not shared with anyone.

FeetFinder uses the information you give to provide you with targeted advertising which by the, is optional. You have the option of opting out by clicking on the “Do not sell my personal info” link at the bottom of the site.

How to sell pics on FeetFinder.

To sell feet on FeetFinder, all you need to do is create an account on the official FeetFinder website and start uploading your feet’ content.

How to get followers on FeetFinder.

The best way to get followers on FeetFinder is by promoting and marketing your content. You do this by trying to reach as many people as possible and letting them know about your content. The other thing is by creating good quality content.

You attract new buyers and followers through referrals and good reviews given by your current buyers and followers.


With the tips discussed in this article on how to be successful on FeetFinder, you are well-equipped for the feet-selling industry. Making money on FeetFinder should be a lot easier now. All you need to do is to incorporate the tips well. Wishing you all the best in your journey.

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