A Guide on How to Make Money on FeetFinder.

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We collected and put in one article all the information you need to know on making money on FeetFinder. 

If you have been wondering how to go about making money on FeetFinder. A simplified step-by-step guide is exactly what you need. 

Now that you’ve identified that FeetFinder is the online feet-selling platform to go for, you’re on the right track. When trying to make money online, a legitimate and reputable site is what you need and FeetFinder is the best choice.

In this article, we provide a complete guide on how to sell on FeetFinder. So, if you’ve been wondering, “Do people really make money of FeetFinder?” Your question is about to be answered.  Let’s get right into it.

What Is FeetFinder?

First things first, we need to understand what exactly FeetFinder is before we get into other intricate details about it. FeetFinder is one of the leading online foot-selling platforms in the world today. It is a website where people sell and buy foot content. 

It provides a platform for people with foot fetishes to satisfy their fetishes while feet content creators make their money by selling their content. Sounds interesting, right? FeetFinder has over the years accumulated over 1 million feet creators and 5 million plus fans and buyers. 

So, in case you had any doubts, this should prove to you that FeetFinder is a legit site, seeing that millions of people have actually trusted FeetFinder as their feet-selling and feet content-buying platform of choice. 

How Does FeetFinder Work?

Now that you know what exactly FeetFinder is, the next step is of course to understand how the platform works. To become a part of the FeetFinder online community either as a buyer or a seller, you visit FeetFinder.com which the official website and sign up. 

How to Sign Up for FeetFinder.

The first and most important thing is, you need to know is that you must be over the age of 18 to be eligible to sign up. A valid ID card will be required for verification during the signing-up process. This is done to minimize the chances of scammers getting on to the platform. 

You will always be required to provide some personal information such as your name, birthplace, address, phone number, etc. FeetFinder is a secure site and so your personal information shall remain protected and discreet. 

Once that is done, you’ll need to pay a subscription fee to FeetFinder. There are two subscription plans on FeetFinder;

1. Basic Plan

Under the basic plan, users are required to pay $4.99 on a monthly basis, $14.99 on a yearly basis, and $40 for a lifetime subscription.

2. Premium Subscription

Under the basic plan, users are required to pay $4.99 on a monthly basis, $14.99 on a yearly basis, and $40 for a lifetime subscription.

The other part of the signing-up process is your account setup and completion of your FeetFinder profile after which you’ll be all set to start making money on FeetFinder. Easy, right?

How to make money on FeetFinder.

Now that we’ve covered all the groundwork and have an account all setup, you may be wondering, can you really make money on FeetFinder? And if yes, how then to make money off FeetFinder? The answer to that question is, yes! You can make money on FeetFinder. How? Now that’s what we are about to delve into. 

There are several ways to make money on FeetFinder. 

Selling Feet Content

This goes without saying. The main money-making activity on FeetFinder is the selling of feet pictures and content. As a seller, you upload your content onto your account which then attracts buyers who your content and that’s how you get paid on FeetFinder.

FeetFinder Referral Program.

As a seller on FeetFinder, you automatically get a referral code. The FeetFinder referral program basically involves sellers referring other people to join FeetFinder as sellers. The referees then use the referral code to sign up. 

As the referrer, you earn 10% of what your referees make on FeetFinder. Sounds like easy money if you ask me. It is important to note that you only make money in this way with brand-new users not returning users.

Having monthly subscribers.

Monthly subscribers pay a monthly subscription fee to be able to have access to your feet’ content. This means that they get to see everything you have on your account.

With all these options, you can make good FeetFinder money if you learned how to use them all to your advantage. See, there is money to be made on FeetFinder. Don’t sleep on it.

How To Sell Feet on FeetFinder.

Now that you have a FeetFinder account set up and know the various ways you can make money off FeetFinder, you can start creating and selling Feet content there. 

Tips on creating feet content.

  • Use good lighting.

Nothing elevates the quality of pictures and videos more than good lighting. When taking your pictures, we would recommend that you work with natural lighting. Being close to windows, doors or any openings that allow the penetration of natural light will help you achieve better quality.

  • Use Props and Accessories.

We recommend using accessories like nail polish and anklets to add character to your content. Consider props like flowers and heels. Statistics have shown that sellers who use nail polish and accessories tend to receive more offers and purchases than those who don’t. 

  • Use appealing backgrounds.

Your choice of background can make or break the quality of your content. Choose backgrounds that allow your feet to stand out. Avoid busy backgrounds. The goal here should be to use a background that compliments your feet and helps bring out the best, hence enhancing their appearance.

  • Experiment with different angles.

On FeetFinder, creators can post both pictures and videos of their feet. Feel free to experiment with different angles, poses, lighting, and positioning as this will give you variety. I mean who doesn’t want variety to choose from? Ensuring that you have a wide variety of content helps you cater to a wider audience because different buyers have different preferences.

  • Use good quality equipment.

Sticking to all these tips would for sure not do much for you if your equipment produces low-quality pictures and videos. It is important to have high-resolution pictures. Invest in high-quality equipment to ensure you get high-quality results.

Just like any other purchases people make, the quality and appearance of the posts highly influence the buyer’s decision on whether to make a purchase. So, strive to capture the buyers’ attention. After creating the content, it’s now time to upload it.

Add captivating and descriptive captions to your pictures. This helps sell the feet content. On FeetFinder, you can post individual pictures or albums which have a minimum of 5 pictures. 

How to price your feet content.

As a beginner on FeetFinder, it is important to know what considerations you need to make when setting prices for your feet pics. Before getting reviews, we would advise that you set your prices low. High prices at the beginning of your journey might demotivate you as you may not get purchases as desired.

The prices of feet on FeetFinder range from $5 to $100. The trick with setting considerably low prices for good quality is that it attracts buyers easily and jumpstarts your feet-selling journey earning you reviews and building a community.

However, remember to price differently for different qualities of content to avoid shortchanging yourself. 

How do you get paid on FeetFinder?

Now that you know how to make money, how then does FeetFinder pay you? Sellers on FeetFinder get to keep 80% of their earnings while the remaining 20% is taken by FeetFinder. They use this money to facilitate systems’ running and cover their business profits and gains.

FeetFinder has a minimum seller payout of $30. Once you request payment, the request is verified and approved and then released within 3-5 days. Payouts however work differently for different users depending on where they are located.

For users residing in the United States, the payouts are handled by Segpay while users outside the United States must create a Paxum account to get paid. FeetFinder is a trustworthy platform so as long as you follow the procedures, you are guaranteed to receive your money. 

How To Become Successful on FeetFinder.

I know the main reason why you’re here is because you want to be successful in this venture like you would everything else. Don’t sweat, we got you. Let’s point out some essential things that you will need to do to increase your chances of success as a FeetFinder seller.

Upload High-Quality Content

Provide high-quality content. Buyers want to purchase feet content that is visually appealing to them. So never forget that in this feet-selling world, that’s the main and most important selling point. Invest in good quality equipment to help you achieve this. 

Think of all the things that make a picture appealing to the eye. From good lighting to high resolution to the angles, to proper framing. Leave no stone unturned. This will pique your buyer’s attention and get you closer to making good money on FeetFinder.

Capitalize on Your Profile Description

Your profile description is another secret weapon. Make it descriptive, crisp but yet appealing. Think about your choice of words. Incorporate words that a buyer would most likely think of when doing their searches. The goal here is to make your content easy to find. Remember, buyers can purchase what they don’t know is there. So, make it easy for them to find your content.

Communicate With Your Buyers

The other thing you need to do to be successful on FeetFinder is to make a conscious effort to communicate with your buyers. Log into your account every so often (at least once a day) and make the attempt to build relationships with your buyers. Give your content that human touch and see that build trust between you and your buyers. 

Price Your Feet Content Reasonably.

When posting your feet content, you will obviously need to price it. Do your research then based on your findings, set competitive but fair prices for your content. As you grow and gain popularity on FeetFinder, you can gradually increase your prices. Strive to find the perfect balance between getting value for your content and being fair and competitive.

Stay Consistent.

Another invaluable trick is staying consistent. Your buyers find reassurance in reliability. Always knowing that you are active and that you are available to respond to their photo requests. Please note that consistency applies to both your activity and the quality of the content you put out.


Last but not least, practice, practice, and more practice is what is going to help you gain popularity and grow your FeetFinder income. Through practice, you’ll learn a lot about your content and how to gradually make it better. 

Practice creates mastery. So, with time, you will find that the better your content and presence get on FeetFinder, the more reaches you get. 

How To Promote and Market Your Feet Content 

Marketing and promoting your content make your account more visible and consequently generates traffic and profit. This however has to be done well for it to bear the desired results. Here are some of the things that you can do to help you promote your content.

Choose a niche.

People with feet fetishes like any other fetish have different preferences. This means that no content is a “one-fits-all” kind of content. Choosing a specific niche to cater to allows you to focus on understanding what your target audience really enjoys. 

This then enables you to build a community with your target audience. Declaring a specific niche will create clarity around what you provide as a creator hence pulling buyers because no one is overwhelmed trying to choose through your content to satisfy their needs. 

Customize your FeetFinder profile.

Buyers should be able to tell from just looking at your profile what kind of a creator you are. The choice of profile picture, profile description, and bio state should be representative of your brand. Build a brand that people what to be associated with and that your target audience resonates with.

Get positive reviews.

New buyers rely on feedback given by old buyers to help them decide on whether your content is worth giving a shot. As a new creator, focus on providing the best experience for your buyers as this will earn you positive reviews. Positive reviews help you attract and reach more people. 

They also create a certain level of trust and confidence in your content.

Share links to your profile.

Another way you can market yourself as a feet content creator is by telling other people about what you need and by sharing your account with them. This may help you reach new audiences and grow traction to your account.

Grow your Followers.

One of the most important things when growing your career in selling feet like any other career is building trust. How you deal with your clients is the determining factor on whether they stay and keep consuming your content or not. 

Ensure that you give your buyers the best experience and this makes them want to become a consistent follower. Expand and grow your knowledge in the industry and this will go a long way in helping you grow your followers.

How Much Money Can You Make on FeetFinder?

Just like everything else, how much money you make on FeetFinder is dependent on how much business you’re able to attract. In this case, how many buyers your content is able to pull, and how many purchase your content?

The more your account grows on FeetFinder, the more you are likely to make. This is because the more people you have following you, the more likely you are to get most of them interested in your content. 

On average, sellers on FeetFinder sell their content between $5-$100. So, you earn the product of your rates and the number of pictures you are able to sell. Also, the better the quality of your content, the more likely you are to make a lot of money on FeetFinder.

This, therefore, means that you can make as much money as you want on FeetFinder as long as you work for it by putting out high-quality and well-curated content. So, only you can limit yourself when it comes to the amount of money to make.

FeetFinder Seller Reviews

Still not convinced?  Well, here are some reviews by FeetFinder users on how their experiences with FeetFinder have been. 

  1. “This platform is awesome! The site was very easy to use, the subscription is affordable, and I got a lot of engagement in a short period of time!”
  2. “I love how they protect inexperienced sellers from scammers the best they can! It’s by far the best platform I’ve used for selling feet content!”
  3. “The best customer service I’ve ever had. Quick and efficient, answered all my queries extremely fast. Really appreciate your great service.”
  4. “I’ve been using FeetFinder for about a month now & it may not seem like much, but I’ve been able to cash out twice. Great app, great customers easy to use!”
  5. “Really easy to set up! I started fresh in 2023 as something to add income during my spare time. Easy to maintain and add content and I feel really safe and secure using the platform.

I hope this gives you confidence in FeetFinder as being the best feet-selling online platform there is. Not only that but also that your safety and privacy are guaranteed. 


Does FeetFinder work?

Yes, FeetFinder does work, and effectively at that. It is a legitimate online feet-selling platform that has over 1 million feet creators and 5 million plus fans. The numbers should be able to prove to you that it works because otherwise there wouldn’t be this kind of traffic on there.

Is it easy to make money on FeetFinder?

Well, this depends on what you mean by easy. But to answer your question, once you diligently do what is required of you to make a successful career on FeetFinder, it is easy to make money on FeetFinder. Put in the work when it comes to feet content creation then see just how easy making money on FeetFinder is. 

Can you make an income on FeetFinder?

Absolutely! Over 1 million people make a living off selling feet pics on FeetFinder. People have created careers out of feet content creation, and you can too with FeetFinder. Also, there is more than one way of making money on FeetFinder.

Is Feetfinder a Safe Way of Making Money?

FeetFinder prioritizes the safety of both its users and buyers. When signing up for the platform, an ID verification process is performed, and this is done to help keep off scammers. The personal data that you provide during the signing-up process remains confidential and protected.

FeetFinder is compliant with the PCI standards, and this guarantees that all payments made to the platform are processed securely. 

Is FeetFinder Pay Legit?

Yes. The money you rightfully earn on FeetFinder is legitimate and clean . Once you successfully start selling your feet content, making referrals and getting subscribers, you receive your share of earnings as per the FeetFinder terms and conditions (your 80%).


When all is said and done, it’s safe to say that FeetFinder really is the best option for you if you are trying to make money selling feet. I hope this detailed guide provides everything you need to know about making money on FeetFinder and gets you ready to start. 

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